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GW eLearning

The use of eLearning Days in place of what would otherwise be used as Emergency Closure Days was approved by the Gower Board of Education in 2019 and another forward-thinking action taken by our Future Ready district. This is an exciting opportunity for Gower School District and was made possible by the collaboration between our staff, our administrative team and our parent representatives on the Board

Remember, the emphasis on the ‘e’ is ‘engagement’!
eLearning Day assignments for Gower West students are emailed to parents the morning of the Emergency School (Closure) Days by 8:30 AM. If parents have not received the assignment from teacher(s) by 8:30 AM, they are encouraged to first check their email spam. If no email/assignment has been received, please contact the classroom teacher directly (Gower West Staff Directory). If further assistance is needed, please reach out to Engaged Learning Specialist, Vicky O’Boyle,, or Principal, Melissa Capizzi, All classroom teachers, Art, Music, STEM, P.E., Special Education teachers and specialist will be available for questions and assistance with assignments from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on the eLearning Day.
In order to be considered “present” for the school day, students must complete assignments/activities as instructed by Teachers on the eLearning Day and/or contact the Teacher directly if faced with a particular issue or challenge preventing remote engagement.
Please use this link to review additional activities and resources recommended by our staff. Our program will continue to adjust to meet the needs of our diverse learners (e.g. remediation, wellness, enrichment, etc.) and this working document will serve as a valuable resource across our school community.